Redpoint Mechanical Svc Ltd — Plumber in Pemberton

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Redpoint Mechanical Svc Ltd

Plumber at 7463 Aspen Blvd, Pemberton, BC V0N 2L1, Canada, Pemberton, British Columbia, V0N 2L1 . Here you will find detailed information about Redpoint Mechanical Svc Ltd: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 5 reviews


British Columbia
7463 Aspen Blvd, Pemberton, BC V0N 2L1, Canada, Pemberton, British Columbia, V0N 2L1
V0N 2L1

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About Redpoint Mechanical Svc Ltd

Redpoint Mechanical Svc Ltd is a Canadian Plumber based in Pemberton, British Columbia. Redpoint Mechanical Svc Ltd is located at 7463 Aspen Blvd, Pemberton, BC V0N 2L1, Canada,

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Reviews of Redpoint Mechanical Svc Ltd

  • Ethan
    Added 2016.07.13
    We recently purchased a home in Pemberton. Just recently we experienced an issue with our pellet stove, WRM is our property manager and they contract with Redpoint for stove service. Craig and Rob attended and were fantastic, they serviced the stove and before leaving indicated that the stove was running and we were welcome to use it moving forward. We have been out of town since that day and have only just returned. Today I began the fire up process, however it would appear that the Auger is not working. I called the office and talked to Gwendolyn, who a) gave the impression of being annoyed at my call - why provide an emergency number if you don't have any interest in being helpful b) immediately began the all to common process of deflection "Haven't seen the report", "we don't service auger", "That is your responsibility", "Parts wear out". and finally "We don't provide service on the weekend". I operate two businesses in Whistler that often require mechanical services at all hours of the day and weekends and I have NEVER had a mechanical company tell me that they will not at least try to get out for a service. It is -13 and we have a 1yr old at home, having heat is a very real concern for myself and my family, Gwendolyn offered no solution other than to say, we are all off for the weekend, its not our responsibility.
  • Grace
    Added 2016.04.17
    I am so disappointed in your customer service. Shame on you. You are willing to take the payment but not the service responsibility.
  • Elijah
    Added 2016.03.03
    Gwendolyn, if your techs signed off on the service and verbally communicated that the stove was working and we were welcome to use it..... and it doesn't work.... who is responsible??? Is that how customer service works? If you paid for a car and drove it 2 blocks and it broke down, would you return to the dealership and pay more for it to be fixed or would you suggest that the dealership had failed in there service??? And for goodness sake, the stove was serviced on Tuesday, today is Saturday and you haven't seen the paperwork?
  • Angel
    Added 2013.10.18
    I called Redpoint when my hot water tank blew because their name and phone number were written on the side of the tank along with the date of installation and the length of warranty. Gwen answered the phone and completely blew me off telling me that they were way to busy to help me and I should call the manufacturer myself to start the warranty claim and try to find a plumber to install the new one for me. I did so only to find out that the tank had already been warrantied (I was not the original owner) and there was nothing they could do. I called Gwen again just to ask why they would put false information and she refused to take any responsibility saying only that the plumber who installed that tank no longer worked for them. I didn't really expect them to pay anything out of pocket for my new tank but a little customer service could have gone a long way in this instance. I own a business in which we supply and install product and if any of my customers ever called with a warranty issue I would do everything in my power to help them through the process.
  • Jackson
    Added 2013.08.22
    Professional people and very fair prices
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